Allenamenti per avere braccia solide da eseguire in centro fitness

È possibile modellare e rinforzare i bicipiti e tricipiti in palestra attraverso l'utilizzo di specifici strumenti e l'esecuzione degli esercizi appropriati.

There are several arm exercises to be done at the gym that are beneficial for achieving sculpted muscles. Having toned and muscular arms is every man’s dream, but the only way to achieve this goal is to workout at the gym.

Arm exercises for men at the gym

The best way to get muscular arms is to train at the gym using weights or a barbell. Using the correct weight load while doing arm exercises at the gym will help you achieve remarkable results in a short time.

Barbell Curl

Among arm exercises, this is always a classic and greatly aids in shaping the biceps. It’s also the exercise where you can load the most weight. It is performed while sitting on a bench and lifting the barbell. Be careful not to overload with weights, as the risk of injury is just around the corner.

Dumbbell Curl

A variant of the barbell curl is a dumbbell curl. This is one of the most performed among arm exercises. You can perform it standing or sitting and you can also train one arm at a time, precisely because you use weights and not a barbell. This is an advantage, as there is the possibility to control the movement more carefully as you lift your arm.

French press

One of the most famous arm exercises, this exercise extends the barbell above your head. You can also perform it using a dumbbell, which allows you to assist and guide the movement with the other arm. This is one of the best exercises for training and carving the triceps.

Barbell and bench

One of the most classical exercises for toned and carved arms is training with the help of a bench and a barbell. Laying down on the bench, you perform regular pushes with the barbell, properly loaded with the correct weights. This is one of the most useful exercises for defining the upper body.

Rope extensions

Little known among arm exercises, this exercise can be performed above the head or downwards. Using a rope, you need to extend until the rope and arms are fully extended.

Dumbbell extensions

The last one of the arm exercises, this exercise can be performed above the head or with the torso at 90 degrees. Just train one arm at a time, while the other helps to keep the arm doing the exercise vertical.

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Come iniziare a lavorare nel settore del benessere fisico

Ecco gli esercizi più efficaci per tonificare gli addominali inferiori, da eseguire in posizione eretta

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